This is my first rafflecopter giveaway. I am giving away hand knit arm warmers. They are made of Noro Kureyon silk garden sock yarn. Here are the arm warmers. They are so soft and warm here is my son modeling one of the armwarmers
enter below.
October 6, 2011
Today I just took care of the kids and cleaned. I got our bedroom all picked up. Kenny vacuumed it so that was awesome because I hate vacuuming. My spinning wheel has a permanent home in front of the window. I can now look out the window and spin. I just need to get myself a small CD player to plug in and listen to while I spin. I also need a big bean bag to chill in in there if I am just spindle spinning in there. That would be lovely. I still have to clean out down the side of the bed and everything will be done after that W00t!!! I am happy for having it almost done. I took before and after pictures but decided not to share them.
Vincent was a little pill today. He broke our 150 2 wireless router we bought from at and t. We can;t use the net flix on the Xbox and be online at the same time because of this. I am a little mad about this. well tonight I have videos in my posts. I think I was talking a little to quietly
well I am off to watch the vampire diaries and spin my Lucy in the sky with diamonds fiber. I will have some pictures tomorrow. Leave me comments if you like. See yah tomorrow.
An eventful day
Posted by vickie | 11:23 PM | knitting, mean dogs, speech therapy no naps, spinning | 0 comments »October 5, 2011
Today was a very eventful day. Weather wise it was dreary and gloomy and I loved every minute of it. Dad came and took me to Vincent's speech therapy. That was nice because it did not cut into Kenny's work schedule. The speech therapist said Vincent did very well for his first day. I am happy.
So back to the weather as soon as we got to Vincent's school it started raining up a storm and the wind was blowing really good. I love this weather. Tomorrow is our last day for rain and than next week back up to the 90's. BLEH That's all I have to say.
This morning I got up to go get the laundry out of the dryer and there was a very large black and white pitt bull in our backyard. I backed up went in the house and called animal control. The dog finally went back to his own yard. It knocked four boards out of our fence. Lovely huh.
Kenny went out there to see where it got in. The dog was back in his own yard but saw Kenny; barked and started coming towards him. We have a very large back yard and kenny was hauling tail in flip flops screaming open the door. I have never seen someone run so fast in flip flops lol. I told him not to go out there. Did he listen to me noooo. oh well. At least I got to tell him told you so. hehe.
Today I did not get much knitting done. Vincent was off the wall and would not take a nap.
I think that is about all that went on today.
just been spinning and knitting taking care of kids same ol same ol lol
here are some pics of my projects going on right now
armwarmers spun with fiber from Sosae Caetano's wonderful store
my coral fiber from Sosae's shop I just recently spun up. I still have to skein it up and set the twist. Vincent is modeling it as well.
and these arm warmers I am knitting which will be available for sale in my etsy shop soon. I am still working on the other one.
Vincent has that oh mom look on his face lol
well thats all for now. leave comments if you wish I love to get em.
a knitting we will go
Posted by vickie | 11:14 PM | drop spindles, knitting, noro kureyon silk garden, speech therapy no naps, spinning | 0 comments »October 4, 2011
I have not been spinning for the past couple days just knitting. It has been nice to be knitting again although it feels a little odd. I am not used to the feel of knitting needles in my hands. I am used to the motions that go with spinning yarn with drop spindles. So after a long while of not knitting it feels extremely foreign to me.
I am currently knitting up some arm warmers to go into my etsy store. They are made of Noro Silk Garden and are my own pattern. I will have a completed set tomorrow and will post pictures.
Today was an okay day mostly. I have given up the fight on making Vincent take a nap. I am tired of all the screaming and crying he does. All it does is make me mad and wake up his baby sister so she is grumpy because of no nap.
Tomorrow is Vincent's first day of speech therapy. It will be interesting to see how it goes.
back to knitting.
October 3, 2010
I was so tired today. woke up at 245 am Isabella was so fussy. took awhile to get her settled down again. lindsy and the kids came down again. It was so good to see everyone. cant wait till we can hang out some more. i did not get a lot done after they left. i made burritos for lunch yummy. tried like heck to get Vincent to take a nap so I could take a nap. I put him back to bed about 10 times. sigh. got to have a nap for about an hour. kind of helped. my foot is still sore from where I stepped on that transformer and cut it last night.
went to food maxx tonight to get some more baby food. Food Maxx sucks so bad. the longest lines ever. well im off to go watch house and finish my armwarmers. ttfn
October 2, 2011
I am so finally glad fall is on the way. I live in Bakersfield and do not like the heat at all. Vincent had a good time today playing out in the backyard in the water with the dogs.
yesterday I got to card these two batts up they are merino angora locks and angelina I dyed everything myself they turned out so lovely.
tomorrow I have to contact Vincent's speech therapist and see about setting up his speech therapy. I also have an appointment to get him signed up for head start on Friday as well. than an appointment on saturday. All next week is all about appointments. Last week I walked with Vincent and Isabella down to the Evergreen school. It nearly kicked my butt. I would walk a lot further than that when I was a kid. I got to loose some weight.
I am really looking forward to our cooler temperatures and the rain this week. I love the rain. well thats all for now.
October 1, 2011
today was a pretty nice day for the first of October. Got up early and did some laundry. went to the yarn store carded up two batts and than core spun karens yarn a little bit than spun on my on some of sosae's fiber a little bit. I will have pictures for you tomorrow of some of the handspun. I am going to try to do NABLOPOMO again this months and not miss a day. I am going to have to write myself daily reminders lol.
hi everyone
Posted by vickie | 8:54 PM | Acid Dyed Roving and Yarn, anzula fiber, kids, knitting, spinning, spinning wheel | 0 comments »September 28, 2011
I am so happy that we are kind of on the downward slide to fall. I say kind of because it was 92 degrees today. sigh will I ever get to wear any of my winter knits. lol
I have been doing a lot of crafty things as usual. dyed up some yarn and some locks. I am going to card them together this Saturday at the lys.
fiber and my silk n silver yarn i spun this is going to be armwarmers i dyed these yesterday.
my angora locks I dyed yesterday as well. I am going to card them into this roving I got my locks from
this is the fiber I am corespinning for Karen. there is 7 ounces of fiber there and it is going to be an awesome yarn.
the kids are getting so big. Vincent is going through a growth spurt again
here is Vincent checking out the rain last weekend. he was a little freaked out because of the thunder and lightening storm we had
her are some more pictures of the sky from that day
and a sunset
and a double rainbow you have to look kind of close to see the first rainbow
we have had more thunderstorms than usual this month.
I love it. looks like we have the potential for thunderstorms all day friday into saturday night and than rain next week 50 percent chance w00t!!!! and 75 to 80 on Wednesday awesome!!!!
here is Isabellie
I bet she is walking by Christmas
I am also knitting the hexipuffs quilt pattern from tiny owl knits. it is so much fun. she said you like knit on it for a year and than put it together.
well thats all for now will post more later.
SoftFlexGirl: First Friday Giveaway - Mini Twist N Curl + 22g So...
Posted by vickie | 9:49 AM | 0 comments »SoftFlexGirl: First Friday Giveaway - Mini Twist N Curl + 22g So...: "TWIST N CURL MINI SET Price: $25.95 22 GA SOFT FLEX CRAFT WIRE Price: $3.99 (3 spools in 22g, your color choice) Learn how to use the Tw..."
Good day today made 45 cupcakes for tomorrows block party should be a good dayy
was revisting a east siders web page saying who had passed away that we went to school with cant believe how many people gone wow. thats all goodnight
Posted by vickie | 11:43 PM | Boho Knitter Chic. Craftypuppylover, cars that suck, kids, spinning | 0 comments »today was just another day. Hung out at home with the kids because I am not comfortable driving my overheating car anywhere with the kids in it. I think it needs a new thermostat. I just finished watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire while plying my yarn.
here is my wizards weazely wheezes batt plied with a orange and black halloween batt.
it is 126 yards of yummy squooshy yarn.
here are the next two yarns I am going to be spinning and plying together
waterlillies for aquaman from knittink (on the left) and polwarth rainbow from knit by design
vincent still has his all these little bumps all over his body from his rash or bug bites which ever it is. hopefully they start going away soon. I think he had an allergic reaction to the peanut butter because I switched brands. well thats all for now. got to post before midnight.
A new month again. I am hoping all goes well this month. I have seen and heard so many crazy things happening to people's relationships and family life that it makes me happy there is a no drama agreement in our marriage.
I just finished up Tour De Fleece for this year. I did a lot more art yarns this year than last year. I actually spun a lot more yarn last year.
here are some of my spins from this years Tour De fleece
that is just some of my pics from tdf. There are a lot more on my flickr
this past week was kind of crazy in my neighborhood. right around the corner from my house an 8 year old girl went missing. she was found alive but her dad was the guilty party. we actually had a swat team stand off in our neighborhood as well. it was so crazy last week. We had a lot of lookie lous in our neighborhood which meant a lot of traffic. I was so glad when the whole event was over
here is Vincent standing at the sheriffs line
well im off to spin some more. I am going to be doing some yarn bombings this month. whats that you say. well you stay tuned to find out more or google yarn bombing.
today was a good day for TDF got two yarns finished. here is one of this this is a core spun yarn and I love it. After I finish dinner I am going to spin up 6 ounces of alpaca that is a light chocolate brown color., It is going to be my winter scarf. It is the second day of NABLOPOMO I am going to actually remember to blog everyday my drive band disappeared fore my spinning wheel. I think my three year old could be involved in its disappearance:-) I rigged it with crochet cotton for now and it works. well off to spin
tour de fleece starts soon
Posted by vickie | 9:32 PM | ashford kiwi, spinning, spinning wheel, Tour De Fleece | 0 comments »Tour De fleece is almost here again. About 2 hours and 30 minutes before it starts.
I spun 15 yarns on my drop spindle last year my goal is to spin 20 yarns this year in between my spindle and my wheel. I will start spinning my first yarn at midnight and it will be fun can hardly wait. I will have lots of updates on my blog over the next fifteen days.
Bookish Haven Summer Vacation
Posted by vickie | 10:12 AM | books, giveaways, Larissa's Bookishs life | 0 comments »hi all hope everyone is having a good summer so far and try to stay cool over at Larissa's Bookish Life she is having a Bookish Haven Summer Vacation event going on you should definitely go check it out. Lots to read and lots of fun and prizes to be had:-)
Shattered Glass by Elaine Bergstrom- Bewitching Book Tour
Posted by vickie | 9:43 PM | Bewitching Book Tours, Elaine Bergstrom, Shattered Glass | 3 comments »Paperback: 386 pages Publisher: Elaine Bergstrom (January 24, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 0982970609 ISBN-13: 978-0982970607 Book Description: Helen Wells, 19, is a gifted painter, struggling to create a legacy before the illness that left her crippled claims her life. Stephen Austra is a brilliant glass artist, and an immortal. When they meet, their passion is immediate and intense. But as their love grows, Dick Wells, Helen's uncle and a homicide expert on the local police department, begins investigating a series of savage murders committed, he is forced to believe, by something not human. Soon all three will be drawn into a struggle with a dark presence from Stephen's past, one that lays claim to the life of the woman he loves and one that, for all his power, he is helpless to control. This novel, first published in 1989 to critical acclain is being reissued in a special updated -- and uncut -- version, and includes 12,000 words not found in the original edition. It is the first of 6 books in the Austra series. To see more books in the Austra series visit: Knitting A Novel... Before you write a guest blog, it’s a good idea to visit the site and see what it’s like. And this one is quite lovely with its beautiful skeins of glorious yarns. It was like cloud watching: A couple of photos looked like painted shih tzus, some were poodle-esque, a couple were as Mod as London in the 70s and one looked a bit like Donald Trump’s hair if he were dressing as a clown for Halloween. But my favorite was the starfish fiber. I’d wear it just as it is, but with a bit of work it could be turned into something even more magnificent. I have a friend who comes to my writing workshop in Milwaukee with her knitting bag. She’s won quite a few awards and she claims that the motion of her hands helps her to concentrate and that she often knits while working through scenes for her novels. I can relate. Though I’ve never learned to knit and though my grandmother tried her best to teach me, I could barely crochet, but creativity is of all kinds. I used to hobby in glass design, and while my hands were engaged in cutting and piecing the patterns, my mind traveled elsewhere, starting the mental process that led to seven novels about the Austra family of immortal glassworkers and their adventures in our human world. Writing for me is a lot like weaving. There are the heavier yarns of the dialog, the lighter strands that become the descriptions which are added next then the little flourishes – the emotions, the flutter of a hand, the rise of an eyebrow, a sudden averting of the eyes. Like any craft, writing requires practice. I remember that order – dialog, description, emotion – but I need not do it any longer. Today I can write much more quickly and scenes come together fully written. I’ve celebrated the creativity of hands with my Austra family...and In my first novel, Shattered Glass, Stephen Austra describes the emotion all craftsmen feel when he speaks of his first magnificent church window: “As I walked through Chartres, surrounded by the synthetic rubies, amethysts, emeralds, and other precious tones, I could feel in the darkness the peace, the inspiration, the wisdom all people would discover, and I received a satisfaction from the creation of that beauty, which was so intense that no emotion has ever equaled it. Those windows sang to me in a chorus of light and color, and their voices were magnificent!” I feel that way about my novels, about Stephen Austra and Helen his beautiful half-human lover, about their children and their kin and their work and the stories of the family that span the centuries from the Middle Ages to the near future. If you love them half as much as I loved creating them, I will be blessed. I’m getting a glass grinder soon, it won’t take me away from the writing I love...I expect that instead, there will be more prose, created while my hands are occupied. Bio: Elaine Bergstrom was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and is the product of 16 years of Catholic education which, she is sure, has strongly affected her work. Her first novel, Shattered Glass, was among the first vampire romances and created a family of vampiric immortals -- powerful, eternal but with some odd constraints on their natures. It was set in her hometown and the church she attended as a child. It was nominated for a Stoker, received critical acclaim and has been followed by four other related novels, as well as Under the pseudonym Marie Kiraly (her grandmother's name), she has written two Dracula sequels: Mina...the Dracula Story Continues and Blood to Blood. She resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she runs a novel writing workshop, freelances as a TV and film critic and writes grumpy old lady letters to her congressmen and local papers. You can get additional information on her books and upcoming appearances at
The kindle edition of Shattered Glass is the "author's cut" version -- including 10,000 words not included in the original paperback.
Well today was just another day at home dyed some silk bells;four of them. Next week I am going to see about order a couple pounds of fiber to dye up and put in my etsy store I am going to be opening soon.
got up and took care of both beans breakfast and bottle. I than started breaking up my bfl too dye
here is a picture of all I dyed today
green blue yellow red and purple.
I am going to spin it into a long repeat of colors yarn maybe I might also card it into a batt not sure yet.
the weather was very windy today here as well so my fiber dried very quickly
well tomorrow my starter for my bread will be ready to break up to make more starter and too bake my two loaves woohoo!!!! I will have starter to share this weekend as well.
well off to bed. I want to read a little before I go to sleep.
Today was a most lazy day. I was up till 6 am. I slept till 2 pm because of this. After I got up I prepped a bunch of the veggies for dinner. I than went to the Walmart for the chicken stock I forgot. I found some good books in the Bargain Bin. I got two books by Liz Maverick called Crimson and Steam and Crimson CIty. I also got two books b Erin Kellison called Shadow Bound and Shadow Fall. They both look good as well. the best part about the books. They were all two bucks a piece. It would have cost me thirty bucks before tax if I bought them in a normal book store. w00t!! I got two new jenkins drop spindles this weekend. I got the delights. The are so wonderful. I love them. I like them better than the standard. One is canary wood and one is bolivian rosewood. I got them at ABC's of Creative pursuits in Bakersfield Ca. They are hands down my favorite spindle.:-)
This is my beautiful Starfish fiber I bought from Sosae Caetano on etsy .
I was going to use it for the SAL on Sos's group but it ended up going to live with Cookie from our spinning group.
I keep on meaning to dye some roving but I have just been to tired mist of the time. One of these days I will get around to it. This week I am going to be setting the twist in a bunch of yarns and measuring yarns that I am going to send to my lys to sell. well I am tired and out of here ttyl.
had a good day today went and taught my spinning class and had a good time two new jenkins spindles went home to live with me today. all is good will post more tomorrow
This months box is so wonderful. I love everything.
here it is in all its purtyness:
froggy fibers
The Alpaca Legacy
60/30/10 Alpaca/Wool/Silk
Black is 100% Alpaca White is 50/50 Alpaca Merino
Play at Life Fiber
Romney/ Coopworth/Corrie Lamb, Firestar
Boho Knitter Chic
Jade Buddha
Angelina, Silk, firestar, bamboo, superwash merino, bfl, Columbia
Colorbug Yarns
Poppy Colorway is Wensleydale
Moonlight and Laughter
China Dragon Superwash Merino
I forgot to take a picture of this beautiful fiber. Will do it later tonight
Dawning Dreams
L'ejade Superwash Wool Roving
Moonwood Farms
contains merino, super A1 mulberry silk, rambouillet, bamboo(rayon), milk protein fiber, alpaca, angelina, firestar
Gabriel's Message is the colorway I thinkthis is one of my favorites.
Silk Azalea Kit from out of step dye works you knit with silk hankies. looks pretty cool.
Hampton Artistic Yarns
Pulled Silk fiber
Year of the Rabbit -Also one of my favorites
Merino, Angora, Mulberry Silk
Texas Alpaca Fiber Hand Painted 100% alpacaand a cute bookmark
Year of the Rabbit Loose Angora Fiber
All for Love of Yarn
80 merino 20 other
these patterns
stitch markers from The twice sheared sheep, Exchanging fire, Gloria Patre
and a Stitch marker Bag
and a wonderful
key fob
that is it I love it all and now I am tired I have been trying to get this posted all day