Had an awesome day today. Waited around for the mail man. My Bella Merce Twilight inspired jewelry came today. I love it so much here is the picture I took on my new Canon camera I won last week.
Here is the Bella Merce Package before I opened it. I love the packaging.here is the package after I opened it.
Tells me about my necklace and how to take care of it.
and here is a close up of my necklace:
I love my necklace so much. Thank you to Womb at the Innsane and Bella Merce for the wonderful necklace. You should go check out both of these web pages they are both good. Bella Merce makes all kinds of hand made engraved jewelry.
Here is Vincent at the park today. He had a good time:
Is this a sunflower? It popped up out of nowhere last week after big rain. I thought at first it was a funky weed
My giveaway will be coming up soon.Once I reach my 200th post. Oh yeah and looking forward to phat fiber box at my house this month:-) If you don't know about phat fiber you should go here Phat Fiber and read all about it.
Another year almost done. It went so quick. There is a lot going on this month as well. Little man's birthday was December 14, My anniversary is December 22(5 years and there better not be an earthquake. The earthquake in Paso Robles which killed two people happened right as my husband started saying his vows to me. We have the earthquake at our wedding ceremony on tape. ),Christmas is December 25 friday which means we will be at my MIL and FIL for Christmas.
This week has been both good and bad. I am still getting over my cold. I sound like a frog croaking when I talk. Little man is coming down with it as well.Just a little cough. I. received my camera in the mail which I won I will blog more about that whole experience later on today.
here are some pictures from my new camera:
Here is Vincent wearing my felicity hat. Up until the crown its made of noro and the crown is nature wool. He loves red.
I am going to be having a contest coming up when I have reach my 200th post. You will like it I think.Phat fiber box drop was yesterday. Can't wait to get the box this month. It is going to be awesome. Aurora Borealis is the theme this month. I have to get to work on my samples for next months box. I should be able to get all of them done this weekend.
I saw Avatar yesterday. It is so epic. I want to see it again in 3D. My husband and I and Dennis and some of his friends went to see it. My mom and dad were supposed to go but because did not want to deal with the drama. Well that is all for now. I will have another post tomorrow of some finished projects hopefully.
my husband left the lights on all weekend to my car and totally killed the battery. he had to have the car jumped twice in this horrible weather today. i feel so bad for him. what a crappy day to have happen. so after that I was going to leave and go to my cousins house. i locked myself out because I grabbed the wrong set of keys. yeah me. so kenny took his dads truck and came back to let me in. he left the car keys with his dad so he could drive my car if he needed to. so no keys to get in the house lol. I took off to my cousins house and was like oh crap.no bank card no gas.*slaps forehead* bank card is in house. so went to cousins house and than went home made it thank goodness. got gas en route and than was like oh no locking gas cap in which the key is on the keyring I left in the house. I lucked out and my gas cap wasnt locked all the way down thank goodness. something went right today. so got home and relaxed with the bean.
it rained alot today. I was in my car seeing if I could get it to start. started right up no problems:-) I was very happy. ran it up and down the freeway a couple times to make sure the battery was charged a little bit.
so tonight I played copy cat with my crafts. I made my own skein yarn stitch markers like the ones that Yarn Demon (go here and by hers) made. The only difference is hers are handmade and mine are made with an extruder.(I was lazy)I also will not be selling mine unless she says I can because it is her design. I just loved them so much I had to make my own. here are some pictures of them. I still have to add the head pins and split rings as well as bake them.
so I just signed up for whrrl it is an awesome way to put together a picture slide show with text and share it. here is my first whrrl my family went to this holiday festival at the kern county museum. was alot of fun and vincent got to see horses and trains.
well as holidays approach Im thinking of my grandma who passed on on october 2, 2009. she was such an awesome grandma. whenever I was out of town or she was out of town we would sometimes call each other and talk about the weather or I would write her about the weather. If she was here today I would be telling her about the rain and how windy it was today. I miss her and her chocolate gravy and her deep fried chocolate pies.