So much stuff has been going on. All good things. Spent the last few weeks packing and moving into our new house. Everyone loves it so much. Everyone has their own rooms and space. I have a whole room as a craft room and that is awesome!
I am currently going out to the Kaiser Permanente Farmer's Market every Sunday for the past two Sundays. It has been enjoyable and I love meeting new people. I even sold a couple items.
I currently have an indiegogo campaing going on to fund going into polymer clay jewelry making. I would love if you would check it out and share it around for me if you would please. here is the link
here are some of my recent polymer clay creations.
I went out to the Historic Union Cemetery this past weekend and was taking some photographs. Such a lovely peaceful place.
well I am going to go for now. I an currently knitting on a hat to sell at the farmers market this weekend.
September 25, 2013
I just love when the season starts to change into winter. The crispness in the air at night. The smell of fireplaces in the air. Kern County Fair and Halloween. I love all of these. I was at the fair this week taking some photos. It is such eye candy to a photographer.
Here are some of my pictures from the fair. I hope you enjoy them.
I had such a good time. I am looking forward to going back and taking Vincent this weekend.
June 23, 2012 I had actually fallen asleep in my computer chair around 630 pm because I was tired. I woke up 30 minutes later checked my phone and had 2 urgent messages. I check them and my mom was like our house caught on fire. I was like OMG! I made my way to their house as calmly as I could drive. The fireman had the fire contained when I got there. It was still quite smokey though. My mom spent the night at my house because of her COPD. She could hardly breath and was stressed out. It was good for her to leave. Here are some pictures from that night

It was such a crazy night. My parents have 25-30,000 dollars in damage to their home. My dad is a 100% disabled Vietnam Veteran who is living off of his Veteran's benefits. I started a donation fund to help them out. If anyone can help we would appreciate it. here is the link to the donation site
or if you would feel more comfortable doing it through paypal here is a donation button for my parents. if you would like to send something directly to my parents in the mail just find me on facebook as Victoria Barton and I will private message their address to you.
Vincent and I went over to Lowe's Monster's University Build and Grow on Saturday with Vincent. We had a great time.

here is my knitting project. It is for the Knit with Love group on Ravelry

and ending with the Super Moon.

April 10, 2013
This has been a good week. Lots of stuff going on in the Barton Household. Vincent is taking his school pictures today. He will be graduating from head start this year and starting pre-k in the fall. Vincent is excited to start big boy school because he will get his Bumble Bee backpack.
I always have a lot of WIPS going on at one time.
This week I am plying some beautiful yarn from atomic blue. She is on etsy by the same name.
I am also making this lovely shaggy bracelet from Unkamen Supplies(etsy)
This lovely little bracelet has purple miyuki drops down the length of the bracelet. It is a delicate and lovely bracelet which has been so much fun to make.
Last but certainly not least and this would be mother natures creation more than mine but I have been nurturing it and feeding it some good organic plant food.
My little basil plant. I love the little leaves. They are so delicate looking.
I hope everyone has a wonderful WIP wednesday and make lots of neat stuff.
March 18, 2013
In the mail today I received a wonderful surprise.
My gift tags from Crafty Diversions arrived today.
Inside I have a total of six tags for gifting purposes.
These are wonderful gift tags. The come in three patterns the tilted heart, knit words, and the handmade with love that has these words (draw, sculpt, knit, sew, crochet, bake, cook, paint, make, build, stitch, craft) in the background.
I love these gift tags and am looking forward to using them for some upcoming birthdays and swaps. The tags are high quality and are delightful to look at and use on all your special crafting packages.
If you like head on over to Crafty Diversions and check out these wonderful gift tags.
March 15, 2013 Forever I submitted a photo to the viewbug. A web page that has photo contests. This morning I received an email saying I was one of the winners of the contest. I was voted as being the favorite of the judges. I know it is not much but it is always nice to be appreciated. :-)
March 6, 2013
Hi Everyone!!! Happy Wednesday! I meant to write my post last night but I was distracted by a movie.
I am currently still spinning my pixie wings. I is a very thin spin.
I have been enjoying spinning the pixie wings. I am now ready to ply and am almost to the plying stage.
This week has been an interesting week but I will share more on that on tomorrows blog.
I am loving the weather today. Mixed sun and cloud intervals. I just saw raindrops and it was not supposed to rain till tomorrow according to the weather man. I love the weather.
Anywho Happy WIP Wednesday.